The digital age has witnessed the continuous evolution of cybersecurity. As quantum computing becomes more mature, the paradigms of protection, attack, and analysis are shifting. Over the past few days, we embarked on a detailed exploration of quantum cybersecurity analytics. Let’s take a moment to reflect on what we’ve covered and preview the exciting topics still to come.
A Look Back: The Last Six Lessons
Day 1: QSVM and DGA Botnet detection Read More
Day 2: Anatomy of QSVM Read More
Day 3: Hyperparameter Tuning for QSVM-simple example using Weights & Biases Read More
Day 4: PegasosQSVC & detection of vulnerable IoT security cameras Read More
Day 5: VQC — detection of phishing and DGA Botnets Read More
Day 6: Anatomy of VQC — Its Limitations in Cybersecurity Analytics Read More
A Glimpse Into the Future: Upcoming Lessons
Day 7: QNN vs. NN: Delving into Quantum Neural Networks and their applications, we’ll explore CAPTCHA prediction using classical and quantum approaches.
Day 8: GAN vs. qGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks have revolutionized data generation. We’ll discuss their quantum counterparts and their potential to generate secure passwords.
Day 9: Deep Learning vs. q-DeepLearning: As Deep Learning continues to shape the landscape of cybersecurity, we’ll look into its quantum variant and its implications in vulnerability detection.
Day 10: QAOA — Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm holds promise in many optimization problems. We’ll delve into its potential use case in breaking RSA encryption.
Day 11: On Shoulder of Giants — Microsoft Azure Quantum Service
Day 12: Comparison between AWS Braket and Microsoft Azure Quantum Service
Day 13: MLSecOps with Azure
Day 14: QSecMLOPs with Azure-reproduction of all case studies with Azure and showcasing Q# vs. Qiskit
Day 15: Quantum Stacking and more advanced algorithms
In Conclusion
The journey through quantum cybersecurity analytics has been enriching, revealing the potential of quantum computing in reshaping the future of cybersecurity and DCO/OCO. As we move forward, we’ll dive deeper into more specific applications and understand how these quantum techniques compare and potentially outperform their classical counterparts.